Climate Change, Human Rights, Social Justice - Knowledge and Skills for Campaigning | WEA Sydney

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Providing current human rights, social justice and environmental principles including the human rights case for addressing climate change, risks associated with more than two degrees of global warming, the roles of key goals such as Net Zero Emissions by 2050, the Paris Agreement and suitable interim goals; policy and legal measures available to address the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and, a range of practical skills to become actively engaged in community campaigning in relation to climate change and other human rights and social justice issues.


  • Face-to-Face / Online


  • Gore, A (2006) An Inconvenient Truth, Rodale, New York
  • Tooma, M (2019) Safety, Security, Health and Environment Law, The Federation Press, Sydney
  • Gerber, P and Castan, M (2022) Critical Perspectives on Human Rights Law in Australia Law Book Company, Sydney


  • Introduction to the science of climate change and global warning
  • Human rights and social justice principles with special reference to those applicable to a sustainable environment.
  • Public policy and regulation of global warming.
  • The Paris Agreement and associated instruments.
  • Case Studies: campaign organisations eg GreenPeace, Citizens Climate Lobby, Amnesty International
  • Principles, strategies, techniques and methods for effective campaigning.


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Describe key principles of human rights, social justice and climate change, greenhouse gas reduction and environmental sustainability.
  2. Outline the main causes of greenhouse gas emissions and the key mitigation strategies.
  3. List and describe key public policy issues impacting on environmental protection and human rights protections.
  4. Understand the operation of selected pieces of human rights law and environmental legislation.
  5. Explain some of the current environmental and human rights campaigns and evaluate the key themes of each.
  6. Participate effectively in and contribute to environmental and human rights campaigning activities.
  7. Organise and conduct a meeting with local MPs and/or policy makers