Testimonials | WEA Sydney




What's to like at WEA? It is an inclusive and welcoming learning environment which allows you to learn what you want, when you want, and how you want. We have terrific tutors, great-value courses and an inclusive learning environment.

Make friends in a community of learners. We have teachers who love to teach and students who love to learn. You will feel at home amongst like-minded people keen to grow their knowledge and make friends with learning buddies along the way.

What do you want to learn? We will have a course for you. We have courses in History, Philosophy, Languages, Art, Music, Literature, Hobbies and Wellness. Our professional tutors will introduce you to new topics that will inform, inspire and invigorate your mind and body.

The atmosphere at WEA, whether it is face-to-face or online, is always welcoming, warm and comfortable. We believe in community, friendliness and wellness. We foster respectfulness, tolerance and joy in learning.

Learn for life – learn something new. There is always something new to be learned so embrace the opportunity to grow your mind with new knowledge and new skills. Life is for living, so it is never too late to start learning and keep learning.