Courses » Politics at Lunchtime | WEA Sydney
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Politics at Lunchtime
12 courses found

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$34 Limited inc GST / $31

Chappaquiddick 1969 - Power and Privilege

<p>The "Camelot legend" surrounding the Kennedy family over three generations has glossed over the criminal and immoral behaviours of several Kennedy men. An inflated sense of entitlement dominates


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$34 Limited inc GST / $31

American Coronation

<p>On 20 January 2025, the 47th president of the United States will be sworn in. The cavalcade and hoopla resembles a coronation more than a simple investiture. Since the nation’s first president,


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$34 Limited inc GST / $31

Politics in China

<p>Xi Jinping has led China for just over a decade. In that time he has fundamentally altered politics in the country, pursued a different economic agenda to his predecessors, and adopted a more


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$34 Limited inc GST / $31

A Night in the Garden

<p>Former President Donald Trump held an election rally at Madison Square Garden on 27th October 2024. Several commentators and news outlets commented on its similarities with the “Night at the Garden


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$34 Limited inc GST / $31

Election 2025 - What's at Stake and What's Up for Grabs?

<p>Australia goes to the polls in 2025 and the politicians are off and running. A first term government is usually safe, but, around the world, even popular governments and political leaders have


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$34 Limited inc GST / $31

Micro Nations of Europe

<p>Each of the micro nations of Europe has a unique and intriguing history. San Marino was not part of the 1871 unification of Italy. The Vatican is a sovereign state entirely within the city of Rome.


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$34 Limited inc GST / $31

Election 2025 - Winners and Losers

<p>In the political game there are always winners and losers. Looking at this year’s election, how are the participants now placed? What are the big surprises and dramas this time round? Has the


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$34 Limited inc GST / $31

Election 2025 - Where Do We Go from Here?

<p>Where do we go from here? It’s a question leaders from all over the world are asking in the current political climate. Will the election make it easier or more difficult to make these decisions? In


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$34 Limited inc GST / $31

Discovering Juneteenth

<p>Until recently, ‘Juneteenth’ was largely unknown outside African-American communities in the United States. It is now an official national holiday and has become known around the world. It began


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$34 Limited inc GST / $31

The Politics of Racism - From Trumps Border to Turn Back the Boats

<p>The use of racism for political gain is a much-used political tactic. Explore examples from Australia and overseas from now to back in history and why it can be so successful. It is used by
