Courses » Humanities | WEA Sydney


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Humanities Courses


Explore what it means to be human – what we think, what we write, what we believe and what we say. Our humanities cover the broad spectrum of the human condition through philosophy and religion, literature and writing, politics and society, and science and technology. I think, therefore I am!


Available Classes

$54 Limited inc GST / $49

Eastertide in Music and Art - Sacred and Secular

<p>Eastertide, the major festival of the Christian Church, has always inspired magnificent music and art, both sacred and secular. Come and enjoy this varied selection of great celebratory music by


Available Classes

$34 Limited inc GST / $31

American Coronation

<p>On 20 January 2025, the 47th president of the United States will be sworn in. The cavalcade and hoopla resembles a coronation more than a simple investiture. Since the nation’s first president,


Available Classes

$124 Limited inc GST / $112

On Human Relationships (and De-personalisation)

<p>We are witnessing transformations of human relationships on a global scale. What is the meaning of these epochal changes? What are the short and long term consequences? Will authentic human


Available Classes

$54 Limited inc GST / $49

"All Roads Lead to Rome" - And From It

<p>We love the Olympic Games, the classical architecture of the magnificent Parthenon, live theatre and the concept of trial by jury, all of which we have inherited over the millennia from Ancient


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$34 Limited inc GST / $31

Politics in China

<p>Xi Jinping has led China for just over a decade. In that time he has fundamentally altered politics in the country, pursued a different economic agenda to his predecessors, and adopted a more


Available Classes

$44 Limited inc GST / $40

The Greatest Inventions in History - From Fire to WIFI

<p>Explore the 25 greatest inventions of all time from the humble to the world-changing. How were they invented? What is their impact and purpose? Of course any list is subjective and we will discuss


Available Classes

$163 Limited inc GST / $147

JRR Tolkien - The Two Towers and The Return of the King

<p>Follow Frodo and his companions, as the hobbits become involved in events bigger than they ever imagined; Frodo and Sam struggle towards Mordor, and Pippin and Merry are caught up in great perils


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$89 Limited inc GST / $80

Simone de Beauvoir's Forgotten Masterpiece - A Very Easy Death

<p>De Beauvoir is one of the major French authors and ‘Big thinkers’ of the mid-late 20th century. <em>Une morte tres douce</em> is her little-known real-life masterpiece of the closing six weeks of


Available Classes

$54 Limited inc GST / $49

Scam Awareness - Your Best Defence

<p>Scamwatch received 301,791 scam reports in 2023. On top of that, many scams go unreported. Learn what goes on behind these scams, the steps that you can take to avoid being scammed and what to do

$54 Limited inc GST / $49

Scam Awareness - Your Best Defence

<p>Scamwatch received 301,791 scam reports in 2023. On top of that, many scams go unreported. Learn what goes on behind these scams, the steps that you can take to avoid being scammed and what to do


Available Classes

$44 Limited inc GST / $40

Let's Hear It for "Old Nick"

<p>The word “Machiavellian” has come to imply all sorts of sinister, deceptive and cunning behaviour – in politics, diplomacy, marketing and management. Is this fair? Nicolo Machiavelli had a career
