Picasso & Barcelona - His Formative Years | WEA Sydney

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Picasso & Barcelona - His Formative Years

<p>Born in Malaga, Picasso and his family moved to Barcelona in 1895, when he was almost fourteen years of age, and where he would live until 1904. These nine years were the years of his academic

$44 Limited inc GST / $40

Picasso & Barcelona - His Formative Years

<p>Born in Malaga, Picasso and his family moved to Barcelona in 1895, when he was almost fourteen years of age, and where he would live until 1904. These nine years were the years of his academic


Born in Malaga, Picasso and his family moved to Barcelona in 1895, when he was almost fourteen years of age, and where he would live until 1904. These nine years were the years of his academic training, his adolescence and the formation of his character. His famous painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, is named not for the city in Provence, France where he later lived but for a street in Barcelona. Based on a recent visit to the Picasso Museum in Barcelona, this talk will consider his early work, and how this influenced his later art.


  • Face-to-Face / Online


  • Life of Pablo Picasso with emphasis on Barcelona
  • Exploration of his early works and art education
  • Collection of Picasso Museum, Barcelona – 5000 pieces of paintings, drawings, ceramics, sculpture and graphic work


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Be familiar with Pablo Picasso’s life story
  2. Recognise some of his early works
  3. Be aware of some highlights of the Museum Picasso, Barcelona

Anne Harbers

M. Arts (Art History), GCLT
Anne Harbers MA, MBA, MAppSc, GCLT, is an experienced presenter and writer in Art History and European Decorative Arts and has tutored at WEA for over 5 years as well as given talks to museums,...