Visiting the Balkans | WEA Sydney

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Visiting the Balkans

<p>When it comes to tourism, the Balkans are a relatively undiscovered region of Europe. This course will introduce you to the wonders of Albania, Bosnia, Romania, Bulgaria and Europe’s newest country


When it comes to tourism, the Balkans are a relatively undiscovered region of Europe. This course will introduce you to the wonders of Albania, Bosnia, Romania, Bulgaria and Europe’s newest country Kosovo. There’s a little history to get started and then lots of tips to make your Balkans experience a stress free adventure. This course is designed for the independent traveller, but it will also provide good resources for those who are planning a curated experience.


  • Face-to-Face


  • The Balkans, Mark Mazower, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001
  • The New Tourist, Paige McClanahan, Simon and Schuster, 2024


  • A brief history of the Balkans
  • How to get to the Balkans
  • How to travel around the Balkans
  • Where to stay and what to eat in the Balkans
  • Myths about the Balkans


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Undertake an independent trip to the Balkans
  2. Possess a basic history of the Balkan region

Adrian Muir

BA(Hons), Dip Ed.
Adrian Muir is a history teacher with 30 years of classroom experience. His major interests are 20th century Germany, World War One, 20th century global politics and popular culture. When Adrian...