Courses » Special Interest | WEA Sydney
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Special Interest
23 courses found
Special Interest Language Courses

Special Interest Languages

Develop your knowledge and range of a language that you love. Specialist courses concentrate on key aspects of a language or a specific level and intensive courses provide a profound but short learning experience. Both offer exceptional opportunities to grow your language skills.


Available Classes

$321 Limited GST free / $289

Practice your French, Culture and Society Today (B2)

<p>This course is for students who have completed all A2 levels and most B1 of learning with a minimum of recently completed 530 hours of French. You are at the higher level of French Intermediate


Available Classes

$321 Limited GST free / $289

Consolidate and Communicate in Italian (A2)

<p>This course is for students who have completed A1 and A2 levels and would like to consolidate grammar as well as practise their speaking skills, improve fluency and expand vocabulary. Through a


Available Classes

$321 Limited GST free / $289

Practice your French, Culture and Society Today (B1-B1+)

<p>Practice your spoken skills, improve fluency, revise grammar and expand on vocabulary as we converse about modern French culture and society. You will be able to communicate effectively with
