David Crawford PhD, Grad.Dip Policy Studies, BA (Hons). A newcomer to WEA teaching, he facilitated Men's Wellbeing workshops and retreats for several years including in California. David is a professional public sector research writer of 30 years, including with the House of Representatives Federal Parliament, UWS Men's Health Research Centre, Department of Premier & Cabinet, and the National Parks & Wildlife Service. A published author with articles in Men's Health Journal (UK), Friends on the Shelf Magazine (London), Sydney's Child, and the Southern Highlands News. Two self-published books of professional writings were produced in Paris. He has recently finished an intriguing book of Oral History interviews with Volunteer guides at the Maritime Museum in Sydney, of their hidden lives and work tales at sea and in the services 1950s-90s. He enjoys facilitative learning with participants. David knows learning is a two-way process, and flavours this with a mix of humour and fascinating content about Simone de Beauvoir, the French existentialist writer.