Finnish Beginners 5 - F2F (A1) | WEA Sydney

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$331 Limited GST free / $298

Finnish Beginners 5 - F2F (A1)

<p>Continue learning Finnish! Learn more about the country, about the Finnish society and culture. This is a continuation course for those who have studied and completed the Finnish Beginners 4 course

This course will have variable days when it is running for this term by request of the tutor, please check the timetable before enrolling.

Continue learning Finnish! Learn more about the country, about the Finnish society and culture. This is a continuation course for those who have studied and completed the Finnish Beginners 4 course.


  • Face-to-Face


  • Tutor supplied material


  • Consolidation of simple past tense and passive sentences in present tense
  • Read short texts in simple past
  • Write short texts in simple past about your school, your holidays, your weekend
  • Simple listening and speaking exercises


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Use simple past more confidently
  2. Write short texts in past tense
  3. Read short texts in past tense
  4. Be able to better choose when to use active or passive voice

Hanna Kavasto

Hanna Kavasto, MTI, BA, has been working as a freelance simultaneous interpreter for the European Union and teaching Finnish for foreigners from beginners' to advanced level for 20 years in...