Garden Design for Large and Small Spaces | WEA Sydney

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$144 Limited inc GST / $130

Garden Design for Large and Small Spaces

<p>Whether you’re starting from scratch or revamping an existing area, enjoy learning how to transform an open space into a haven for relaxed living. Topics include: site analysis, plant selection,


Whether you’re starting from scratch or revamping an existing area, enjoy learning how to transform an open space into a haven for relaxed living. Topics include: site analysis, plant selection, use of colour and perspective, types of containers, potting mix, mulch, watering, fertilizing, maintenance, common pests, diseases and much more.


  • Face-to-Face


  • Define the function of your outdoor area – analyse individual needs/wants
  • Assess your site – climate, topography, aspect, soil, mulch
  • Containers – types, potting mix, mulch etc
  • Draw up a plan to scale – equipment, procedure, etc
  • Select plant material for specific conditions – sun/shade, wet/dry, privacy, etc
  • Implement principles of good design – unity, simplicity, variety, movement, etc
  • Perspective – the use of colour; techniques to make a small garden seem larger
  • Establish a theme – formal, Mediterranean, tropical, native, etc
  • Maintenance of plant material – watering, fertilising, pruning, etc
  • Pest and disease control
  • Transform problem areas


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Analyse site conditions including climate, aspect, topography and soil;
  2. Identify how to modify existing conditions, if necessary
  3. Draw up a plan to indicate the preferred position for plants
  4. Select suitable plants and materials for various conditions
  5. Locate plants to achieve a pleasing aesthetic outcome
  6. Maintain plants successfully using organic methods of pest and disease control.

Judith Sleijpen

Cert III Hort (Dis)
Judith Sleijpen graduated from Ryde School of Horticulture with distinction in Urban Horticulture and gained experience in the retail nursery industry for several years. She now conducts her...