Introducing your Digital Camera Weekend Workshop | WEA Sydney

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$264 Limited inc GST / $238

Introducing your Digital Camera Weekend Workshop

<p>This class is for the beginner. Learn how to use your camera more effectively than just pressing the shutter button. Take control of the essential functions to effect changes in your photographs.


This class is for the beginner. Learn how to use your camera more effectively than just pressing the shutter button. Take control of the essential functions to effect changes in your photographs. Learn techniques for functional and creative application. Practical class exercises, visual displays and a practical assignment is set for completion on an excursion with your tutor. All digital cameras are suitable provided they have manual mode operation.


  • Face-to-Face


  • Camera Care. What is a camera? Camera obscura. Locate the most important controls, the Mode Dial, F.Stops and Shutter Speeds and their effects.
  • Reciprocity. Depth of Field effects. Movement effects. ISO.
  • Focus modes. Focal lengths.
  • Visual examples and discussion
  • White Balance. Picture Styles/Controls. Metering modes. The Histogram.


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Use the camera more confidently and creatively.
  2. Make more informed decisions about composition and exposure.
  3. Derive greater pleasure and satisfaction in taking photographs.

Michaela Clarkson

BA(Vis Arts). Art Cert.
Michaela Clarkson. B.A (Visual Arts) Sydney College of the Arts, Sydney University Alumnus. Art Certificate Hornsby TAFE. Michaela has been working, exhibiting and teaching in the field of...