The Longest Journey: Les Miserables | WEA Sydney

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$124 Limited inc GST / $112

The Longest Journey: Les Miserables

<p>Hugo's <em>Les Miserables</em> is a powerful, incisive and unforgettable study of class and inequality, justice, the struggle for freedom and dignity, suffering, love, friendship and the power of


Hugo's Les Miserables is a powerful, incisive and unforgettable study of class and inequality, justice, the struggle for freedom and dignity, suffering, love, friendship and the power of compassion. We explore this timely work with a focus on its style, structure and enduring themes and ideas. We also look at the considerable interest it has generated in the theatre, film and popular culture.


  • Face-to-Face



  • Hugo and the world of Les Miserables
  • Key ideas and themes
  • The structure of the novel
  • Its enduring significance (in modern culture)


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the meaning and structure of the novel
  2. Understand the key ideas and their historical and political significance
  3. Explore the novel's impact on modern culture

Ray Younis

MA (Hons), DPhil
Ray Younis was educated at the University of Sydney (BA Hons. MA Hons.) and the University of Oxford (DPhil). He has over 30 years of teaching experience at Oxford, the University of Sydney and...