Pacific Exploration | WEA Sydney

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$74 Limited inc GST / $67

Pacific Exploration

<p>For Europeans from the 16th century on, the Pacific was a cornucopia of riches – of spices, people, and land – waiting for them to exploit, if they only had the courage and determination. But the

$74 Limited inc GST / $67

Pacific Exploration

<p>For Europeans from the 16th century on, the Pacific was a cornucopia of riches – of spices, people, and land – waiting for them to exploit, if they only had the courage and determination. But the


For Europeans from the 16th century on, the Pacific was a cornucopia of riches – of spices, people, and land – waiting for them to exploit, if they only had the courage and determination. But the Pacific had already been explored and settled long before by Austronesian and Polynesian people. The competition between and amongst the indigenous Pacifika people and cultures, and the various European imperial powers played out for the next five hundred years, in stories of courage, greed, duplicity, loss and liberation– and we inherit the consequences.


  • Face-to-Face / Online


  • Exploration over time: Pre Medieval, Medieval, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.
  • Colonised Pacific Islands: Austronesian, Polynesian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, British, French, Russian, German


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Outline the timeline of explorers and colonisers in the Pacific
  2. Contrast the consequences of colonisation in the Pacific by different empires, with reference to when those lands were settled

Jo Henwood

Grad Dip Mus St, M Cult Her
Jo Henwood, BA (Libr Sc), Tourism III Cert, Grad Dip Mus St, Grad Cert (Gifted Ed), M Cult Her, has done most of her teaching outside schools - museum education, gifted education, tour guiding,...