Greatest Conspiracy Theories of all Time and Why We Believe Them | WEA Sydney

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Greatest Conspiracy Theories of all Time and Why We Believe Them

<p>Conspiracy theories are all around us and are more common than ever. Almost as soon as a news event is broadcast there is an attached conspiracy theory. Why are they so common? What are famous


Conspiracy theories are all around us and are more common than ever. Almost as soon as a news event is broadcast there is an attached conspiracy theory. Why are they so common? What are famous examples and how did they come about? Are some types of people more attracted to them than others? We will look at how they are created for what purpose and how they manipulate us.


  • Face-to-Face


  • Famous and not so famous conspiracy theories
  • Why we are attracted to them
  • Their purpose and objectives


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Discuss many leading conspiracy theories
  2. Understand how they are created and for what purpose
  3. Guard against them and recognise our individual vulnerabilities for different types of conspiracy theories

Lanning Bennett

Lanning has over forty years experience as an entrepreneur, banker, musician, author and is a passionate global food traveller. Since the sale of his business in 2015 Lanning has pursed his...