Strike a Chord 3: Piano Playing for the Advanced Beginner | WEA Sydney

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$182 Limited inc GST / $164

Strike a Chord 3: Piano Playing for the Advanced Beginner

<p>This course is designed for the well practised beginner who can navigate their way around a piano keyboard, with confidence. Short piano pieces, in different keys, incorporating treble and bass


This course is designed for the well practised beginner who can navigate their way around a piano keyboard, with confidence. Short piano pieces, in different keys, incorporating treble and bass clefs, chords, correct fingering and rhythm will be focussed upon for accurate playing.

 Students will require a portable keyboard/piano to play in real time during the whole lesson, preferably 3 octaves or more (37 notes). No music reading skills required.


  • Online


  • Revision with correct fingering for essential scale practice
  • How to interpret piano music in different keys
  • Introducing finger flexibility tools and techniques for smoother playing
  • Concentrating on isolation between left and right hands whilst playing
  • Applying rhythm, chords and melody playing, with confidence


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Pick up a simple score of piano music and interpret it, by themselves
  2. Play 2 octaves of scales in different keys, with the correct fingering
  3. Play 2-3 note chords with either hand, with confidence
  4. Read a bass and treble clef with continuity
  5. Have the tools and awareness of how to practice and progress independently

Rebecca Scott

Dip.Op.Arts, MAMT
In 1991 Rebecca graduated as an opera singer from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music with a Diploma in Operatic Arts (DOA). She worked and lived in London and Europe for 13 years as a professional...