Polish Your Voice: Advanced Level Singing | WEA Sydney

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$242 Limited inc GST / $218

Polish Your Voice: Advanced Level Singing

<p>It's time to Polish Your Voice! This will be achieved by executing vocal gymnastics, songs in close harmony, rhythm precision and the integration of theory. <em>Pre-requisite:</em> Students with


It's time to Polish Your Voice! This will be achieved by executing vocal gymnastics, songs in close harmony, rhythm precision and the integration of theory. Pre-requisite: Students with music terminology knowledge and some experience with group singing.


  • Face-to-Face


  • 'Singing in' more solid essential warm ups and drills for vocal health.
  • Sharpen listening and vocal imitation skills needed for part singing.
  • Make vocal range distinctions and stabilise the breath to support it.
  • Consolidate and sing in simple, compound and complex time signatures.
  • Reading more challenging rhythms coordinating conducting and singing.
  • Learning new and harmonious repertoire.


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Empower themselves with vocal tools and techniques to continue with.
  2. Experiment with their vocal range for technically harder repertoire.
  3. Discover their own rhythmic abilities with confidence.
  4. Approach written music with no fear or trepidation and apply it to song.
  5. Keep to their own singing part in harmony pieces without distraction.

Rebecca Scott

Dip.Op.Arts, MAMT
In 1991 Rebecca graduated as an opera singer from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music with a Diploma in Operatic Arts (DOA). She worked and lived in London and Europe for 13 years as a professional...

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