Christmas in Hispanic America and Spain (A2-B1) | WEA Sydney

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Christmas in Hispanic America and Spain (A2-B1)

<p>This course is a blend of history, culture and fun facts related to Christmas celebrations in Spain and Hispanic America. From building up vocabulary, doing some reading comprehension, to writing a


This course is a blend of history, culture and fun facts related to Christmas celebrations in Spain and Hispanic America. From building up vocabulary, doing some reading comprehension, to writing a short text and practice conversational skills in Spanish; this course aims at providing students with a closer approach to the Hispanic culture, particularly Christmas traditions and their variations across several Spanish speaking countries.


  • Online


  • Online


  • Christmas vocabulary
  • El villancico / Christmas songs; La vela / the candle
  • El árbol de Navidad / The Christmas tree
  • Papá Noel / Santa Claus; El Belén / The Nativity set
  • La bola / Christmas ball (decorations)
  • La estrella / The star; El confeti /confetti
  • El roscón de reyes / Three wise men’s cake
  • Christmas in Spain and Hispanic America
  • Who brings the presents in Latin America and Spain?
  • Writing a letter to Papá Noel
  • Three wise men: Papá Noel; Tio de Nadal
  • Villancicos and their origins
  • Comparing some Hispanic vs English Christmas carols


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Talk and reflect on some of the most popular Christmas traditions in several Spanish speaking countries, while practicing the Spanish language

Mayra Camacho Ardila

Mayra Camacho is a Spanish tutor, who holds a bachelor's degree in foreign Languages Teaching. With more than 10 years’ experience, both in Colombia and Australia, Mayra has had the opportunity to...