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Spanish Book Club (B2-C1)
<p>Put yourself in a Latin or Spanish character's shoes and learn about different cultures, customs and ways of living and imagining life. Reading in Spanish is an excellent way of expanding your
...Put yourself in a Latin or Spanish character's shoes and learn about different cultures, customs and ways of living and imagining life. Reading in Spanish is an excellent way of expanding your vocabulary and grammar knowledge in context, and of traveling in Spanish speaking countries without leaving the comfort of your armchair. If you enjoy reading and you want to work on your Spanish reading comprehension skills, this is for you! Social interaction is guaranteed! We will be discussing Violeta by Isabel Allende. Please ensure you have read the book PRIOR to the class.
- Face-to-Face
- Discuss the narrative of the book
- Discuss the contribution of the book to Spanish culture
- Explore and polish Spanish conversation skills
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Discuss a novel in Spanish
- Apply features of Spanish grammatical structures and relevant vocabulary to convey information and ideas