Travel & Coffee - Jerusalem: Romans, Crusaders & Moslems | WEA Sydney

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Travel & Coffee - Jerusalem: Romans, Crusaders & Moslems

<p>We make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The most contested city on earth is also one of the most fascinating. This is the heart of the Holy Land, where the Jews raised the First Temple to keep the Ark


We make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The most contested city on earth is also one of the most fascinating. This is the heart of the Holy Land, where the Jews raised the First Temple to keep the Ark of the Covenant safe, where Jesus was crucified and rose again, and where the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven to receive God's word. Modern day pilgrims search for enlightenment in ancient wonders. We explore Jerusalem's origins from the Roman occupation to the British Partition.


  • Online


  • Into the Heart of Jerusalem: A traveller’s guide, Arlynn Nellhaus, John Muir Publications 1999
  • A History of Jerusalem, Karen Armstrong, Harper Collins 1996
  • Jerusalem, a Biography, Simon Sebag Montefiore, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2011


  • Constantine, St Helena
  • Islam and the Crusaders
  • The Dome of the Rock
  • The Via Dolorosa
  • Church of the Holy Sepulchre
  • Saladin and Jerusalem
  • The Ottoman Empire
  • Christ Church
  • Church of the Paternoster
  • British Mandate, Partition
  • Israeli period


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Have a greater understanding of the history of Jerusalem, and the sites to see during their own travels.

Almis Simans

Almis is an avid traveller who has walked many of the traditional European trails. Making the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain inspired Almis to write Santiago – Walking the Pilgrim...