Print this page The Empowered Voice - Singing for the Non-Singer
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The Empowered Voice - Singing for the Non-Singer
<p>This transformative program is designed to help you reclaim your joy of singing. If negative responses from teachers, family, or friends have hindered your vocal journey, this course is for you.

This transformative program is designed to help you reclaim your joy of singing. If negative responses from teachers, family, or friends have hindered your vocal journey, this course is for you. Our expert instructor will guide you through an empowering curriculum focused on pitch accuracy, vocal coordination, and overcoming embarrassment. Learn techniques to control your singing voice with confidence and unlock the pleasure of expressing yourself through song. Join us today and embrace the freedom to sing without fear.
- Face-to-Face
- Breath coordination and breath management; Body alignment for singing
- Understanding somatic response to performance nerves; Fundamentals of vocal production
- Listening and responding to pitch targets; Beginning musical concepts; Learning to sing melodies in tune
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Produce sound that is “singing” quality
- Phonate sound to achieve desired pitch
- Manage breath to sing notes with support
- Learn to memorise melodies with accurate tuning