Courses » Leisure and Culture | WEA Sydney
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Leisure and Culture
68 courses found
Leisure and Culture Courses

Leisure and Culture

Foster inner wellness, learn a new craft, become a gardening green thumb! Join WEA to delve into our fantastic leisure and hobby courses to stimulate the mind and body with new skills and activities.


Available Classes

$158 Limited inc GST / $142

From Athena to Apollo - Travels in Ancient Greece

<p>We begin in Athens - whose art, monuments, and culture underpin many of the foundations of western civilisation - before exploring Olympia and Delphi (the latter, home to the most renowned oracle


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$43 Limited inc GST

Robinson Crusoe Island - Myths & Reality

<p>Formerly called 'Más a Tierra', Robinson Crusoe Island is part of the Juan Fernández Archipelago which is part of Chilean territory. Historically the island gained notoriety after the legendary

$43 Limited inc GST

Robinson Crusoe Island - Myths & Reality

<p>Formerly called 'Más a Tierra', Robinson Crusoe Island is part of the Juan Fernández Archipelago which is part of Chilean territory. Historically the island gained notoriety after the legendary


Available Classes

$158 Limited inc GST / $142

Discover the Balkans

<p>Discover the Balkan states that were previously parts of Yugoslavia. We will probe the history, geography, politics and economy but our main emphasis will be on the tourist’s perspective. Many maps


Available Classes

$173 Limited inc GST / $156

Learn to Crochet

<p>This is a super easy, fun project for any beginning crocheter. This beginners’ level course will introduce you to crochet methodology including various simple stitches and tips and there are more


Available Classes

$140 Limited inc GST / $126

Plant Propagation

<p>Why buy plants when you can propagate them? Take home at least 10 free plants from this course. Learn the many methods of propagation including cuttings, division, layering, grafting and more. Grow


Available Classes

$79 Limited inc GST

Art Deco and More - Sydney CBD Walking Tour

<p>When we think of Sydney, the first things that spring to mind are often the magnificent harbour, our unique Opera House and the mighty Harbour Bridge. But often unnoticed is its wealth of beautiful


Available Classes

$43 Limited inc GST

Sacramento and Northern California

<p>On the way to California’s capital, Sacramento, we visit the ancient Muir Woods, the wild north coast, a gold rush town and a Russian Fort. Then to Sonoma, where the early Californians staged their


Available Classes

$57 Limited inc GST

The Twisted Rocks Walking Tour

<p>The Rocks is the oldest neighbourhood in Australia, filled with buildings from 1815 on, all bearing witness to a varied, quirky, story-rich past. Join us exploring these winding paths, discovering


Available Classes

$43 Limited inc GST

A Voyage to the Spice Islands

<p>Follow the first Portuguese voyage to the Spice Islands of Eastern Indonesia in 1512 and a voyage by modern adventurers five hundred years later in 2012. Learn about these island of Eastern


Available Classes

$246 Limited GST free / $221

Japanese for Travellers

<p>This short intensive course will enable you to understand and be understood on your tourist or business trip away. You will be able to greet people, make simple transactions, order food, ask for

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