Courses » Face to Face | WEA Sydney
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Face to Face
338 courses found

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$46 Limited inc GST

ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence

<p>What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is like having a conversation with a computer, but instead of talking to a human, you're talking to a special program that's really good at understanding and generating

$46 Limited inc GST

ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence

<p>What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is like having a conversation with a computer, but instead of talking to a human, you're talking to a special program that's really good at understanding and generating


Available Classes

$33 Limited inc GST

Political Manipulation - how is it done and how do we protect ourselves?

<p>In a democracy politicians work with the public to get things done. Sometimes the general public are enthusiastic supporters and sometimes they are reluctant travellers. Unlike autocracies, they


Available Classes

$5 Limited inc GST

Looking Up and Looking In - one Scientist's journey to understand our atmosphere

<p>Climate change is both topical and contested today, but it was not so long ago that climate change as a science was little understood. The study of the atmosphere and climate, especially from a


Available Classes

$33 Limited inc GST

Australians - Who Are We Really?

<p>The romantic image of Australians is as laid-back, relaxed, charming larrikins. But is this true? Was it ever true? Have we changed and if so why? We will look at the research to find out who we


Available Classes

$43 Limited inc GST

The Fascinating Cemeteries of Paris

<p>Paris is home to numerous cemeteries, both large and small, scattered throughout the city. Some of the most famous ones include Père Lachaise Cemetery, Montmartre Cemetery, and Montparnasse


Available Classes

$43 Limited inc GST

Scam Awareness - Your Best Defence

<p>Scamwatch received 301,791 scam reports in 2023. On top of that, many scams go unreported. Learn what goes on behind these scams, the steps that you can take to avoid being scammed and what to do

$43 Limited inc GST

Scam Awareness - Your Best Defence

<p>Scamwatch received 301,791 scam reports in 2023. On top of that, many scams go unreported. Learn what goes on behind these scams, the steps that you can take to avoid being scammed and what to do

$43 Limited inc GST

Scam Awareness - Your Best Defence

<p>Scamwatch received 301,791 scam reports in 2023. On top of that, many scams go unreported. Learn what goes on behind these scams, the steps that you can take to avoid being scammed and what to do


Available Classes

$0 Limited

Film Night for Life After Death - What the Doctors Say

A free film night to watch <em>Defend Your Life</em> to promote the course: <a href="">Life After Death - What the Doctors Say</a>


Available Classes

$33 Limited inc GST

China's Economic Reset: What does it mean for Australia?

<p>China’s economy is being battered by multiple headwinds - a property market correction, growing trade tensions with the US and other Western countries, and demographic decline. With so much of


Available Classes

$52 Limited inc GST

The Great Falsettos of the 50s and 60s

<p>Come along to hear the high-pitched and unique sound of the 1950s and early 1960s. Beginning with the Post-War Doo-Wop craze, young men turned to adding shrill high notes to their harmonies. It was


Available Classes

$119 Limited inc GST / $107

Take Me to the River - Windsor History Walk

<p>This is a five-hour walk starting and ending at Windsor railway station. Settlement along Dyarubbin / Hawkesbury River saw the best and worst in survival behaviour. The walk takes in the cemetery
