Australia's Critically Endangered Fauna | WEA Sydney

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Australia's Critically Endangered Fauna

<p>Australia has many species of fauna listed by the Federal Government as Critically Endangered. All listed birds and mammals will be covered, but only a selection of other types of animals will be


Australia has many species of fauna listed by the Federal Government as Critically Endangered. All listed birds and mammals will be covered, but only a selection of other types of animals will be looked at. Reasons for species becoming endangered will be emphasised, along with the various attempts to save them. Many photographs and other illustrative material will be used.


  • Face-to-Face


  • The Nature Conservancy Australia website
  • EPBC ACT List of Threatened Fauna (website)
  • Raymond Hoser, Endangered Animals of Australia, Pierson & Co. 1991, ISBN 9780947068158
  • Derrick Ovington, Australian Endangered Species: Mammals, Birds and Reptiles, Cassell Australia 1978, ISBN 0726966460


  • The over all extent of Critically Endangered Australian fauna
  • Critically Endangered Australian birds and mammals
  • A sample of other types of fauna that are Critically Endangered
  • Reasons for being endangered
  • Attempts to save species from extinction


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Appreciate the number of Critically Endangered species
  2. Learn about some of these species
  3. Understand the reasons for their status
  4. Appreciate ways in which species can be saved from extinction

Graeme Aplin

Graeme Aplin, PhD, taught geography at the tertiary level for nearly 40 years and has taught at WEA and U3A more recently. During this time, his interests became increasingly oriented toward...