Big Profile Writers' Workshop: de Beauvoir, Attwood, Morrison and more | WEA Sydney

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Big Profile Writers' Workshop: de Beauvoir, Attwood, Morrison and more

<p>Writing is now democratic – most of us can write. Creative beginner and long-term writers hit blocks and potholes. So completing our works as Simone de Beauvoir says is about hard work,


Writing is now democratic – most of us can write. Creative beginner and long-term writers hit blocks and potholes. So completing our works as Simone de Beauvoir says is about hard work, perseverance, support and insightful talks with other writers, that’s what she learnt in her 10-year apprenticeship. Bring those laptop drafts, or writers-block drafts to a working writer’s workshop, and apply helpful ideas from Big writers who persevered. We look at Margaret Attwood, de Beauvoir, Toni Morrison and some others. Class practices are bolstered by helpful commentary by other participants, to help you move to the next stage, and maybe even finish off.


  • Face-to-Face


  • de Beauvoir, S. Memoir of a Dutiful Daughter (2005) ISBN 978006082519
  • de Beauvoir, S. All Said and Done (1974)
  • Atwood, M. On Writers and Writing (2015) ISBN 9780349006239
  • Morrison, T. Beloved (1989) ISBN 9780099511656


Writers' workshops provide an ambience of stimulation, encouragement and collaboration that can help kick start or push us to work through stuck drafts, improve or revise drafts, especially with pointers from’ Big’ profile writers and helpful suggestions from other keen practising writers.

  • Sessions will include delivered content, readings, practices and exercises, helpful feedback, and homework.
  • We will look at these Big writers’ ideas, insights and pointers about the tradecraft of writing to move participants to their next step in writing.
  • Receive supportive and insightful commentary on one’s work from other writing voyagers.
  • We will build the course, as we go, in light of participants emerging needs, suggestions and ideas.


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Be well acquainted with hidden and overlooked writing tips and insights from these big profile productive writers.
  2. Use new tools and tips to revise, rework and re-visit rough drafts and move through writer’s block to the next stage.
  3. Improve their individual writing skills and motivation to further develop their draft works.
  4. Have completed a small set of work-pieces by way of class exercises.

David Crawford

PhD, Grad.Dip Policy Studies, BA (Hons)
David Crawford PhD, Grad.Dip Policy Studies, BA (Hons). A newcomer to WEA teaching, he facilitated Men's Wellbeing workshops and retreats for several years including in California. David is a...